About Me.

Hello. I am Lucy/Flo (they/she) the creator of Lucy Florence Shop. Welcome to my world of whimsical fun fashions… I started being obsessed with fashion and dressing up as a little tink, halloween being the most wonderful time of the year. Clothes have always been there to help me feel myself or the character I wanted to be on that day. Today I am a woodland pixie, tomorrow I am a 1920’s gentleman, next week lets be cyber-punk aliens?

I knew the fast-paced fashion industry wasn’t my cup of tea, and I hope my brand can contribute to this world in some kind of positive way. I hope that I can help others express themselves with no rules or boundaries. Thank you so much for even reading this if you have … even the tiniest bit of support for my journey means so much!

- Flo >.<

For the

Curiouser & Curiouser